We were glad to present the KI:STE project and the AI-Platform prototype at the virtual European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2021!
“This year vEGU21 has included 18,155 scientists from 136 countries, attending 13,643 live presentations in 642 scientific sessions, 5 Union Symposia, and 32 Medal and Award Lectures sessions; attending 5 Great Debates and 56 Short Courses; networking in 47 Union-organized and 72 pop-up networking events; and attending 117 side events. ” – See vEGU’s webpage: https://www.egu21.eu/
We participated in two sessions “Machine learning for Earth system modelling” and “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Cloud-based Technologies to Facilitate Collaborative Science” where we introduced KI:STE and got a lot of positive feedback and met many fellow researchers interested in our project.
If you are interested in our display material, but do not have access to the vEGU21, you can check them out here!