Earth-AI-Platform 28.04 at 13:45

Inside the KI:STE project, we extend the concepts of an existing project, the Mantik-platform, such that handling of data and algorithms is facilitated for earth system analyses while abstracting technical challenges such as scheduling and monitoring of training jobs and platform specific configurations away from the user.

Session ESSI3.7 (EGU21-9632)

Interactive KI:STE Intro 30.04 at 14:10

The recently started KI:STE project bridges this gap with a dedicated strategy that combines both, the development of AI applications and a strong training and network concept, thereby covering different relevant aspects of environmental and Earth system research.

Session ITS4.4/AS4.1 (EGU21-211)

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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS) Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
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MON-FRI 08:00 - 17:00

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